GoodAlbums Privacy Policy

GoodAlbums is a gallery app to organize your photos and videos in to user-friendly albums. GoodAlbums is part of Qohlo family of apps. Qohlo is not affiliated with any organization. Usage of GoodAlbums is solely on your discretion. Before installing the app, we assume that you have read and understood our privacy policy.

1. Sharing data

We never share your data with anyone. To this day, we have disclosed 0 bytes of user data to third parties, including governments.

2. Storing data

GoodAlbums never store your albums data in our servers, and we don't actually own one for this purpose. The app runs stand-alone on your device.

Photos and Videos

GoodAlbums never copies your media (Photos and videos) either on the device or on cloud. We maintain an app database to store references to your media. To provide good experience with the app, we request for media read permission.


GoodAlbums need camera permission to take photos and videos


GoodAlbums uses contacts permission to send app invites for receiving promotional code to unlock premium feature. We never store your contact information, and never sell, share, licence, or rent to third-parties. GoodAlbums does not collect any personal identifiable information.

Contact Us

If you have any query, comments or concerns regarding our Privacy Policy, please send an email to